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Leaving, via the escalator | Doc Austin
Added April 14, 2010

Ah, the escalator. That bizarre machination dreamed up by the laziest engineers at the Otis Manufacturing Company in the last century. "There will be no more stairs!" they said. 'There will be no more effort to get from one level to the next!" they cheered. "Tearful goodbyes will be protracted into a surreal and painfully slow lifting to the heavens!" (Second Floor, Teens and Misses) they exalted. Well, fuck you, escalator. And you, standing in front of me with your overfilled bags of merchandise, please, I am on my way to Housewares and I am in a hurry. Stand aside!

-- Willfred Harrows

Is the sorrowful look in any way linked to the eye brow properties?

-- Steve

I don't want to be quibblesome but only an escalator up is an escalator. You would then need a de-escalator to get you back down to where you started from. Not sure what you would take to actually bring you lower than where you started.

-- Pettibone